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Cursillo ~ A Weekend Retreat that lasts a lifetime

Cursillo ~ A Weekend Retreat that lasts a lifetime

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

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Cursillo:  What is it?   Cursillo,  pronounced (kur-see-yo), means “short course in Christianity.”  It is an international movement that began in Spain in the late ‘40s and is very much alive in the Diocese of Springfield.  Our purpose is to awaken the spirit of faith in the people of our diocese.

 Cursillo is lay-directed and best described as an encounter with Christ in a small community of the Church, so that His teaching and love can be brought to every aspect of life.  The intention of the Cursillo Movement is to give each person a renewed spirituality and a clearer understanding of how Christ can work through them. 

 Who can attend?    Cursillo is open to adult Christians, 25 years f age or older, who are seeking to deepen their faith and commitment to Christ through prayer, study and apostolic action.  Separate weekends are held for men and women, following the same format. 

 What does Cursillo have to offer?    The Cursillo weekend is a perfect opportunity to get away from daily distractions, enjoy the fellowship of other Christians, and listen to and reflect on how God is calling you.

 A simple method to seek and develop Christian spirituality and mentality through activity and community.

 What to expect~  The Cursillo is a three-day encounter with Christ that teaches a method of faith that helps people grow closer to God.

 The Cursillo weekend offers spiritual exercises, conferences and discussions among its participants.  The basic teachings of Christ are presented in talks given by lay people, religious, deacons and priests.

 Every aspect of the weekend is presented in an attitude of joy.  The purpose of the weekend is to assist the participants to grow in the knowledge and love of God and neighbor.

 All details, i.e., what to bring, location, etc., are mailed to enrolled candidates prior to the start of the Cursillo weekend.

 Getting Started~  The only requirement for participants is a curiosity about the relevance of the Christian faith today, your presence and a willingness to listen. 

 To learn more about Cursillo, talk to someone in your parish who has made a Cursillo weekend or contact the following people:

 Spiritual Director~ Deacon Wendell Pennell –

 Lay Directors:  Tom and Sue LaMondia, East Longmeadow, MA 

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 Or write to:  The Pre-Cursillo Committee, P.O. Box 1207, Holyoke, MA  01041

 Or email: 

 Visit our website:  www.cursillowmass.net

 All are invited to attend a monthly Ultreya gathering held at 7 PM on the third Friday of each month at:

Blessed Sacrament Parish Hall, 21 Westfield Road, Holyoke, MA  01040